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Terry Pratchett Book Club: <i>Unseen Academicals</i>, Part II

Book Recommendations

Cover art of Unseen Academicals by Terry Pratchett.

Terry Pratchett Book Club: Unseen Academicals, Part II

Comment number: 7
Cover art for three pieces of short speculative fiction first published in March 2024

Must Read Short Speculative Fiction: March 2024

Comment number: 1
Book cover of the SFF anthology Nordic Visions

Nordic Visions Provides a Unique Overview of Contemporary Nordic SF, Fantasy, and Horror

Comment number: 0
Artist's conception of the asteroid belt

Five SF Novels Inspired by Disproven Scientific Theories

Comment number: 72
Photo of author Alexis Henderson and the cover of the upcoming novel An Academy for Liars

Revealing An Academy for Liars by Alexis Henderson

Comment number: 0
Cover of The Vanishing Station, depicting a golden tunnel surrounded by woods, with train tracks leading over water to a bridge.

Read an Excerpt From Ana Ellickson’s The Vanishing Station

Comment number: 0
Cover of The Feastmakers, depicting two swans with necks intertwined and a book resting on their necks, against a purple background.

H.A. Clarke’s The Feast Makers is Sharp as a Knife

Comment number: 1
Detail of the frontispiece to "Goblin Market and other Poems" by Christina Rossetti, 1862. (Art by Dante Gabriel Rossetti)

Poetry Month 2024: Christina Rossetti’s “Goblin Market”

Comment number: 1
Photo of an open notebook and a fountain pen

12 Poems That Consider the Cosmos 

Comment number: 2
Book cover of O.O. Sangoyomi's Masquerade against a background of map art from the novel

Reality Meets the Invented: Revealing the Map for Masquerade

Comment number: 0
Cover of Five Broken Blades, showing five blades against a red background

Read an Excerpt From Mai Corland’s Five Broken Blades

Comment number: 0
Cover art of The Emperor and the Endless Palace

Love, Lust and Reincarnation: The Emperor and the Endless Palace

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