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Read an Excerpt From Ana Ellickson&#8217;s <i>The Vanishing Station</i>

Young Adult

Cover of The Vanishing Station, depicting a golden tunnel surrounded by woods, with train tracks leading over water to a bridge.

Read an Excerpt From Ana Ellickson’s The Vanishing Station

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Cover of The Feastmakers, depicting two swans with necks intertwined and a book resting on their necks, against a purple background.

H.A. Clarke’s The Feast Makers is Sharp as a Knife

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Book covers of Christopher Pike's Tales of Terror and Tales of Terror 2

The Perils of Time Traveling Teens: More From Christopher Pike’s Tales of Terror

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Collage of book covers for 30 new young adult SFF titles publishing in April 2024

All the New Young Adult SFF Books Arriving in April!

author Wen-yi Lee and the cover of their upcoming novel, The Dark We Know

A Haunted Homecoming: Revealing The Dark We Know by Wen-yi Lee

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Cover of Saint-Seducing Gold by Brittany N. Williams

Read an Excerpt From Brittany N. Williams’ Saint-Seducing Gold

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The cover of Call Forth a Fox by Markelle Grabo

Read an Excerpt From Markelle Grabo’s Call Forth a Fox

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Book covers of Christopher Pike's Tales of Terror and Tales of Terror 2

From Almost Silly to Deadly Serious: Christopher Pike’s Tales of Terror

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Cover of Sound the Gong by Joan He

Read an Excerpt From Joan He’s Sound the Gong

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Cover of King of Dead Things by Nevin Holness

Read an Excerpt From Nevin Holness’ King of Dead Things

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Cover of The Bad Ones by Melissa Albert

Friendship, Grief, and Truth: The Bad Ones by Melissa Albert

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Collection of book covers of 20 upcoming young adult SFF titles publishing in March and April 2024

Most Anticipated Young Adult SFF/H for March & April 2024

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